Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Great Black and White Photographers PART 3

The great black and white photographer I chose was Ansel Adams. I enjoyed his pictures because they were very descriptive and they were of landscape. The picture I enjoyed most was the picture of called
The Tetons and the Snake River, this picture drew me in with all of the nature going on.

I liked these pictures because I enjoy landscape photos and enjoy taking them as well.

In these pictures I see trees, snow, and water. I see water rumbling down. I also see trees being misted by the water.
I smell crisp air from the mountains and river water from the waterfall. I smell the wet rocks that are at the bottom. I smell the trees along the river.
I hear crashing water hitting the ground, and whistling wind in the mountains. I hear the sound of a pebble hitting the water on the river as it is calm and steady. I can here the rocks piling up on each other as the water rumbles down stream in the waterfall.
I taste fresh water.I can taste the crisp cool air as it blows by my face. I can even taste the mist blowing in my face.
I feel a chill by the mountains. The humidity from the waterfall. I feel the grass along the river as it scratches my legs.

For people to see my photographer skills I would show them by taking more photo shoots to show people my photos.

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