Friday, October 24, 2014

Aperture, Shutter Speed and Iso

1. The aperture is closely related to the eye.
2. The smaller the aperture blurs

the higher the focus.
3. Aperture impacts depth because depending on the F- Level depends how blurry the background is.

 ShutterSpeeds Low and High
a.) low


When the camera goes to auto mode both shutter speed and aperture are selected by the camera.

When you select shutter priority the camera sets the aperture.

When the camera is on manual you are on aperture and shutter mode.


ISO 3200                                                                                                 ISO 200

1.Lower the ISO level the higher the sensitivity, and higher the ISO level the less sensitive so at a basketball you would choose high ISO so it is less sensitive.
2. You should stick to low ISO as much as you can, because there is plenty of light.
3. You should do high ISO when there is not enough light.

1. Aperture- 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8 ,11 ,16 ,22.
2. Shutter Speed- 1/60 SEC, 1 SEC, 1/4000 SEC
3. ISO- 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


1. As I worked down the list of photos I became sadder and sadder. This was very depressing.

2. After seeing these photos I felt like I new them personally, which made it sadder.

3. I think if I was in this situation I would shoot photos.

4. If I could write Angelo a letter I would give him my condolenses.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. If I could go and take a photo shoot at one of these abandoned amusement parks I would go to Six Flags, New Orleans. The amusement park was taken out by hurricane Katrina and it completely flooded making it not able to be used again. The scenery at the location of this Six Flags  is also nice.


3. Five unusual places could be junkyards, alleys, abandoned buildings, old cities, and old ships.


5. I think you could find some interesting things in a junkyard and you would be able to take interesting photos. Also there are a lot of old cars and it would be cool.

6. To go to a junkyard I would have to go to a junkyard. I do not know where one is. Also I would need a camera, and gloves because the junkyard is gross.


1. These photos taken of the animals and landscape shows the beauty of Africa and nature. I think it is cool to take pictures of these animals and people should take pictures of animals to show how we should not hunt them. I also think it is good to show Africa's true nature.


3. This picture is a herd of elephants traveling. The picture shows lines which leads you all the way to the last elephant.
4. The rule of lines was used to lead from the first elephant to the last. Also the rule of thirds was used to show the first elephant.
5. Brandt does not use a telephoto lens so he can capture all of the beauty.
6. He wants to show the nature in Africa and we shouldn't destroy it and it shows the way of life there.
7. His hope for taking these photos is that people will see the animals and realize they should not poach them.

"There is something profoundly iconic, mythological even, about the animals of East and southern Africa. There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa—those vast, green rolling plains punctuated by graphically perfect acacia trees under the huge skies." (Brandt, 1)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Funny Pictures

Billy and Herman are on the home stretch to the finish line! They had to get through many karts at grocery stores to get to this race!
Susan loves everyone at the grocery store and enjoys wearing this shirt. Susan does not know why everybody avoids her since she bought the shirt last year.
Granny just came back from lifting weights and catching a raccoon with her high caliber shotgun. Granny likes to show off her muscles when she hunts. Granny does this routine every night. Granny remembers catching her first raccoon at the age of 4.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Great Black and White Photographers PART 3

The great black and white photographer I chose was Ansel Adams. I enjoyed his pictures because they were very descriptive and they were of landscape. The picture I enjoyed most was the picture of called
The Tetons and the Snake River, this picture drew me in with all of the nature going on.

I liked these pictures because I enjoy landscape photos and enjoy taking them as well.

In these pictures I see trees, snow, and water. I see water rumbling down. I also see trees being misted by the water.
I smell crisp air from the mountains and river water from the waterfall. I smell the wet rocks that are at the bottom. I smell the trees along the river.
I hear crashing water hitting the ground, and whistling wind in the mountains. I hear the sound of a pebble hitting the water on the river as it is calm and steady. I can here the rocks piling up on each other as the water rumbles down stream in the waterfall.
I taste fresh water.I can taste the crisp cool air as it blows by my face. I can even taste the mist blowing in my face.
I feel a chill by the mountains. The humidity from the waterfall. I feel the grass along the river as it scratches my legs.

For people to see my photographer skills I would show them by taking more photo shoots to show people my photos.

Mural Ideas

1. I think a cool theme for this could be the fine arts classes.

2. If you don't have a phone I think it is okay to use a camera.

3. I would put the mural everywhere we could in the hallways.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Academic Shoot reflection and critique

1. I enquired some challenges while trying to find photos for these subjects. I had trouble finding a good balance photo. Also I could not find a solid lines photo, because in every picture I tried to take the subject was really far from the lines.

2. I was originally most worried about framing, but everywhere I went I was able to find a good framing picture, because all of the hallways made a good picture.

3. Now that I am confident on the rules I think I could take a picture of balance better. I think this because now I know how to do this rule.

4. I would not change my photos on rule of thirds, balance, and framing. These pictures in my opinion were good pictures for these rules.

5. I think when I go out for the next shoot I will be able to take good pictures of framing and rule of thirds.

6. I think the hardest rule to capture will be rule of thirds. I think this because it was the hardest rule for me last time.

7. The rule I am not totally clear on is balance. I can figure out what it is by asking a friend or going back to that website.


2. I think that your framing picture was a good photo, because you can see what the picture is and what it is supposed to be. I also like your lines photo because the lines go directly to the man.

3. One thing I would improve is your rule of thirds photo because the person in the picture is in the rule of thirds but the other people are not, and it makes it look like there are multiple subjects.

Academic Shoot

 This picture represents the rule of thirds, because he is not in the center of the picture. The subject of this picture is the person drawing. I think it is clear what the picture is being taken of, because everything else is plain.
 The picture above represents simplicity. The subject of this photo is the girl in this picture. I think it is clear what the subject is because it is the center of the picture so your eye goes to it.
 The next picture is balance because almost everything in the picture makes up shapes. The subject of this picture is the girl painting. I think it would be hard for the person looking at this picture to figure out what the subject is because the picture seems hectic. I think in the future I could get a better picture of balance.
 The picture above is framing. The subject in this picture is the girl painting. The hall makes a frame around the girl and I think she is the main point in the photo.
This last picture is lines because the lines lead to the girl working below. I think it is clear that the subject is the girl because the lines lead directly to her. I think it might be a little hard to find the girl at first, so in the future I need to work on getting a picture with lines while seeing the subject well besides the lines.