Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Camera

1. The obscura effect is a black box with a hole of light to project light.
2. Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens perfected the understanding of the optics and the process.
3. To make the modern day camera film was added.
4. Light passes through the lens. This is how all cameras are similar.
5. The camera is modernized by the digital film.
6. The difference between these modes is that Auto mode automatically takes the best picture.
7. It blurs out the background and uses the fastest lens.
8. It is used to freeze motion.
9. To get prepared for the photo.
10. No flash is used when you have natural light.
11. Flash is used when not enough light is present.
12. The picture will be washed out without enough light,
13. Your photo will be to dark without enough light.
14. A stop is a change in brightness.
15. You would have 1 stop with 2 suns.
16. You would have 4 stops with 4 suns.
17. Longer shudder speed = more light
18. Sorter Shudder Speed = less light
19. The aperture controls lighting
20. You open the aperture for more lighting.

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