Friday, September 26, 2014

Interesting Photos Part 3

1. 3 things that the photographers said that I think were important were…..1. Never stop looking for the right angle. 2. It is important to see patterns. 3. MAke something ordinary into something extraordinary.

2. This was my favorite photo because of all the color.

4. I think the one on the right is darker and not as full of vibrance.
5. I like paintings of places and nature, so those will influence me.

Part2 Interesting Photos

1. I picked this photo because it is full of action.
2. This was found in sport action.
3. This picture placed 3rd.
4. This picture caught my attention because the sideline goes back and it keeps leading to new things.
5. I think the judges enjoyed this picture because there is so much going on.
6. I think the photographer needed the sideline to get the line to show everything.
1. I picked this photo because it appears as if it is a book.
2. I got this picture from Portrait and Personality.
3. This photo got 1st place.
4. I think I enjoy this photo because the books are all the same and he is different. Also The frame around his head attracts you because it is different.
5. I think the judges liked this photo because it is unique.
6. I think the photographer had to use the lines of the books to lead to him.
1. This photo is gloomy, but it attracts the eye.
2. I found this photo in Domestic News.
3. It placed AE1.
4. The photographer used the benches with lines to attract the eye, and the benches fit the rule of thirds.
5. I think the judges thought about all of the rules and took that into place.
6. I think the photographer attracted the eye by using rul of thirds.

Unusual and Interesting photos Part1

1. I thought the photos he took were interesting and unique.
2. I think he made these photos possible by what it looks like he just moved his camera really fast when he took the picture.
3. A good building for this type of photo shoot  would possibly be The Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, or the capital. But none of them are easy access.
This photo is my favorite one he took.

Academics part2

I enjoyed the photo called "Helping Hands."
1. I picked this photo because the cool birds eye view and the rules used.
2. The rule of framing is used to bring everything to the center. This picture shows students at a table doing work and the students make the frame. Also the tiles on the ground lead you to the center as well.
3. I think I would spend most f my time in science classes because they are the most interactive.
4. I would like to visit a band or science class.
5. I would take great photos by using rules of photography.

Academic Shoot part 1

The Story- This picture seems like there is something sad that happened and it effected everyone. I think it impacted everyone because they are all what looks like to be praying around a pole, that must have another meaning.
Action and Emotion- This picture shows happiness. When you see this picture it makes you want to be happy and excited. Also a line leads right to the people.

Filling the Frame- This picture is interesting and leads you to the center with the lines going to the center made by arms. Which leads you to a cool looking fog.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1. The story I read summarizes why photoshop should not always be done. Photoshop should not change the setting, or add anything. Photoshop should not change the whole perspective of the photo.

2. Certain type of photoshop is not okay, because you do not want to change the whole photo, or the meaning.

3.  The picture below is the most unethical for the purpose that the subject is on her wealth, so many people probably are not really concerned about her body.
4. I think the picture below is unethical because George Bush was not even debating. I think this picture was just to cause tension.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Post Shoot Reflection

1. I enquired challenges on the Bowie picture. I had trouble trying to get creative with this photo. It was very simple and I should have done another picture.

2. I thinks i was most worried about framing. I think this because I think I was focusing on the main aspect of the photo.

3. I think I would of used the rule of thirds and would of paid more attention to the other rules.

4. I think I would keep doing the framing, but add more rules into future photos.

5. I used the rule of framing in the Bowie picture. I mainly just used framing. I feel like in the future I need to use more of the rules.

6. Now that i know the rules I feel that I would be able to accomplish these photos better.


2. I like her picture of Bowie. This picture fills the photo with a frame and leads you to the center to the people. I like her square picture because the lines lead up to the square and the lines are diagonal.

3. One thing she could improve on is the happy picture. This picture is plain and has no rules.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

9/11 6 Rules of Composition

 This is a good picture of the Rule of Thirds. The sign is in the top right corner.
 This is a good picture of Lines. The lines meet right at the man.
 This is a good picture of Simplicity.
 This is a good picture of Framing. The picture surrounds the fireman.
 This is an example of Avoiding Mergers. It appears as if the flag is growing out of his head.
This is a good picture of Balance. There is a lot of squares and rectangles.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

National Geographic

I really like this photo because this is a pretty picture and I love animals. The picture is very cool because it is in the water and you can see the sun which gives the photo more light. I also like this photo because it almost looks like the sea lions are posing. If i had to submit a photo I would submit one of a sporting event or something that involves nature.

Touching Strangers

1. I found this photo shoot was weird. I do not care for the concept of random people touching each eachother.
2. If someone were to come up to me and ask me to be involved in the shoot, honestly i would most likely say no.
3. I can not think of any unusual photo shoots.
4. I personally did not care for the shoots, and i think some of the photos look nice but i would not participate in a photo shoot like this.

Touching People

 The first picture I chose was a picture taken by William Anders during the Apollo 8 mission. This picture was taken in 1968. I was drawn by this picture by the lighting of the earth. I think this picture made the top photos because of the quality of the moon and earth and the significance of seeing the earth from the moon.
 Another picture I chose was a picture of a firefighter giving water to a koala after the bush fires in 2009, in Victoria, Australia. I was drawn by this picture because i saw how ashy the background was and it drew me in. I think this made the top photos because it shows importance to animals.
Pele and Bobby more traded jerseys in the 1970 world cup. I like this photo because the picture is full of color. I think this picture made the top photos because it shows two races being nice to each other, and race was a problem in the 1970s.

Bowie, Happy, Metal, Square Best Photos

 The picture above represents my happy photo. It is happy because it is bright and colorful.

 The picture above represents the square. The pipe and wall make up the square.
This picture represents Bowie. It is the courtyard.
 This picture represents Metal. It is a Bowie truck.

Face Photos - Warm-Up

1. I thought this idea of making the face of the fead the forehead was an interesting and a unique idea. I thought the pictures were cool and weird.
2. When I first looked at this photo I was not sure what I was looking at and I was confused but then i understood what it was.
3. Sometime i might try this unique idea

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Camera

1. The obscura effect is a black box with a hole of light to project light.
2. Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens perfected the understanding of the optics and the process.
3. To make the modern day camera film was added.
4. Light passes through the lens. This is how all cameras are similar.
5. The camera is modernized by the digital film.
6. The difference between these modes is that Auto mode automatically takes the best picture.
7. It blurs out the background and uses the fastest lens.
8. It is used to freeze motion.
9. To get prepared for the photo.
10. No flash is used when you have natural light.
11. Flash is used when not enough light is present.
12. The picture will be washed out without enough light,
13. Your photo will be to dark without enough light.
14. A stop is a change in brightness.
15. You would have 1 stop with 2 suns.
16. You would have 4 stops with 4 suns.
17. Longer shudder speed = more light
18. Sorter Shudder Speed = less light
19. The aperture controls lighting
20. You open the aperture for more lighting.

Ansel Adams Research

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams was born February 20, 1902 in SanFrancisco, California. Ansel Adams was an American photographer and an environmentalist. Adams was most famous for his black and white photography of landscape. When Adams was a boy he would play in the sand dunes located near the golden Gate Bridge. Playing in the sand dunes gave him a realization of nature and realized he wanted to be an environmentalist. which led to his photography career, but Adams first inspiration for photography was when he went up a mountain and realized how pretty it was so he started to take photography. As Adams got older and his interest in photography strengthened he joined the Sierra Club when he was at the age of 17. From there he took photography and just a year later he became an official photographer and led people to take photos of landscape. Adams started college and went to Yale and then decided to go to Harvard. After college he married his wife Virginia Rose Best and had 2 kids. As his photography grew and his urge to protect the environment he became more popular he won an award in 1968 called the Conservation Service Award, which is the Interior Department's highest civilian honor. Adams published many books as well and won many awards for his pictures and books. In 1984 Adams passed away in Monterey, California on April 22. Ansel Adams was able to take many beautiful landscape photos and play a role in protecting the environment.

This picture is called The Tetons and the Snake River. This is one of his most famous and well known pictures.

                                                 Another famous photo is called Vernal Falls.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Black and White Photos

Three photographers I liked the black and white pictures of were Roger Fenton, Robert Adams, and Ansel Adams.

My favorite picture by Ansel Adams is Bridal Veil Fall, Yosemite Valley.

My favorite picture of Roger Fenton is a picture called The Valley of the Shadow of Death.

My picture by Robert Adams is called North Jetty, mouth of the Colombia River.

First Photos Best and Worst

The first picture I took is the worst picture. I think this because it is blurry and not good lighting.
I think this because her face is blurry and it seems a little bit dark. Overall I think it is a decent picture because she looks to fake like she is posing and I do not like the background.

The picture above is one of the best pictures I took this photo shoot. I like this picture because the background is nice. Also the lighting of this picture is good. There are many positives for this picture such as the contrast of red and green and the lighting.