Friday, April 24, 2015

Portfolio Analysis

Photographer: Jordan Murph

Focus: Sports

3 problems: No new angles, no theme, mergers

2 things liked: Good composition, great lighting

I like this photographer overall, because he has great light and good composition.

Photographer: Sam Adams

Focus: People

3:  Bad lighting, poor angles, and poorly photo shopped

2: Good ideas, good exposure

I did not like his photos, because they had no real focus on the important part of the image.

Photographer: Nick Adams

3: Bad focus, same ideas, poor quality in photos

2: Good lighting, good silhouettes. 

I thought his photos were decent because some photos were very poor and a few were nice photos.

2. Winner: Dustin Snipes

Strengths: everyone in the photo is doing something, great angles
Weaknesses: sometimes too much editing in the photo.

How the winner is decided: They go back and look at all the photos and look at the bad ones to decide who is out.

One photo I agree with: I like the picture of the tennis player who appears to be showing emotion on how she won. I like the lighting, composition, and the photo.

One photo I do not agree with: There was a photo of a light pole and it was after a football game and I agree that it is low quality lighting, no focus, and a bad angle.

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