Wednesday, January 14, 2015

5 Websites

On this website I looked at the perspective of the pictures. I also looked how they were able to accomplish the photo.

I learned how to take photos from new perspectives.

I picked this photo, because I think pictures of nature are nice.
I see the rule of Lines and balance.
I don't know who took the photo.

On this website I looked at pictures of the oldest things alive. All the pictures were fairly simple, but good.

I picked this photo because it appealed to me.
in this photo the rule of thirds is evident.
I think Rachel Sussman took the photo.

ON this website I looked at tim lapse. It was really cool to see the video of the time lapse.

In the video I watched I watched a time lapse of Brazil.

The creator of this video was Joe Capra.

Joe Capra got interested by watching a video of someone else's time lapse video so he wanted to try it.

The pictures that were taken are of spiral staircases. I really liked the look of the spiral staircases.

I picked this photo because it looks like a painting.
in this photo I see framing.

I looked at pictures of new years resolutions. I really liked the photos.

I picked this photo because the dog was cute.
Rule of Thirds/Simplicity
No name

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