Who- Ms.Shuttlesworth
What- Winning teacher of the year
Where- At Bowie
When- 2014-2105 year
Why- For being a hardworking teacher
How- For working hard
Bree Zubrerier
Strongest Quote- She has been nominated every year that i have been at Bowie. Bree
The strong beginning made me want to keep reading.
The conclusion is a statement.
2. News- This is about the Science Fair. It is about how the judges judged the projects. Also it is about some of the interesting projects.
Quoted- Jessica Davis
Who- Students participating in Fair
What- Science Fair
Where- In Bowie
When- January 22
Why- For Science
How- Students have been working on projects all year.
Strongest Quote- There was probably a little bit over 100. Jessica
The beginning was boring and I did not want to keep reading
The conclusion is a quote.
3. Student Life- This is about the award of being an Eagle Scout. This award is prestigous because it is the last rank in boy scouts. many people want to be eagle scouts.
Who- Eagle Scouts
What- Being an Eagle Scout
Where- Bowie
When- 2014-2015
Why- because fit is a great honor
How- Being a boy scout for a long time
Quoted- Jim Rouen
Strongest Quote- I loved the friends I made and what I learned. I carry it with me to this day. Jim
The beginning was boring it has a slow start.
The conclusion is a quote.
4. Sports- This is about Brooke Landry the knife thrower. She is the highest
ranked female knife thrower in the word. She has been throwing knives since she was five.
Who- Brooke Landry
What- Knife Thrower
Where- In the World
When- Since she was 5
Why- Her Talent
How- Practice
Gillian Sittler
Strong Quote - She's been throwing since she was was like 5 and has just been committed to it for a really long time. Sittler
The beginning was interesting and made me wanted to keep reading.
The conclusion was a quote.
5. Entertainment-
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