Monday, December 15, 2014

Extra Credit Assignment for the Final

1. A man that was harassing subway passengers, was approached by Ki Suk Han to tell him to relax. The man pushed Han into the railroad and he got ran over by the train.

2. Supposedly the photographer took the photo to warn the train.

3. I think the photographer should have grabbed the man in the railroad and pulled him out instead of taking this morbid photo.

4. I think the photographer made a bad choice in this situation because he could have pulled the man out instead.

5. I think the New York Post should not have made this the front photo because it is cruel.

6. I think some photojournalists  capture images as life is happening and others stop bad things from happening.

7. I think it deeds on the situation for a photographer to be ethical based on the photo and circumstances.

8. I think it depends on the event the photojournalist is getting involved in. I think if it is life threading the person should help not take a picture.

9. All the photographers think it was wrong to take the photo.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Final Review

 Fred the owl is waking up from his nap in the cold forest of Minnesota. The owl was sleeping for days.
 Bill ripped Wendy the monkey because she fell off her bike in Moscow. Bill has been training Wendy for the circus for a month.
John Smith and Henry Smith train their horse for the upcoming event in London. They have trained for this event for months.

1. Rule of Thirds is when the main subject is not in the middle of the photo, but to the side.
2. Balancing elements is when the picture is balanced by shapes.
3. Leading Lines is when lines lead to the main subject.
4. Symmetry or patterns is when it is the same on both sides of the photo.
5. A birds eye view or a new perception.
6. The background creates the same idea and color.
7. The range the photo is taken at.
8. When the subject is framed like a painting.
9. When the image is cut to a smaller view.
10. When the subject has something growing out of them.

1. ISO- The amount of clearness and graininess.
2. Aperture- The amount of light entered in the camera.
3. Shutter-speed- To sees motion or stop motion.