Monday, November 24, 2014


Video 1- In the video they make the models neck longer. Also the give her more hair and make her skinnier. Also they make her brighter and make her eyes and lips bigger. Also a ton of makeup.

Video 2- The second video they make her legs longer, they make her skinnier, and make her lighter. Also they put on a ton of makeup and made her feet smaller. Also the made her nose smaller and gave her bigger eyes and lips and more hair.

Video 3- They added a lot more hair and made her about a hundred pounds more skinny.

4. I think it is wrong to change a persons whole appearance just for marketing purposes. Not only does it make other women feel unsecured about what they look like compared to the model it could also make the model feel bad knowing she doesn't really look like how she wants.

5. In my opinion I think under no circumstances they should change someones appearance that much.

6. I think no edits should be changed but makeup and hair extensions are fine.

7. I think fashion photography is to make someone look appealing by changing what they loo like, and photojournalism is getting the beauty out of things without changing anything.

8. I think all photography has photoshop, but I feel it is used to much.

9. I think you showed us these videos make us realize while photoshop is good you shouldn't use to much of it.

10. I don't know why known of these are about guys, but maybe they were advertising makeup and the majority buyers are women.

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